Information for Health Professionals
Stryder is the contracted Community Transport Provider for CHSP funded transport services in the Ryde and Hunters Hill LGAs…
Let Stryder be the transport provider for your home care clients. Affordable service with experienced and industry-trained drivers…
Stryder is a registered NDIS Service Provider and can assist your NDIS clients to access their activities, whether for social, work, study…
Stryder is the contracted Community Transport Provider for CHSP funded transport services in the Ryde and Hunters Hill LGAs. We are known for our can-do attitude and reliable, personal, and caring approach in providing the most appropriate transport service to every individual.
- All services are door-to-door pick-up and drop-off, however, our driver does not stay with the client.
- Transport to medical, hospital, rehab appointments are provided in either cars or buses, depending on needs of the client. We try to accommodate all destinations in the Sydney metro area, subject to available resources. Common medical destinations are: Ryde, Concord, Mater, RNS, RPA, Sydney Eye, Sydney Adventist, Royal Rehab hospitals, Chatswood, Burwood, Drummoyne, Strathfield.
- Everyday transport to access to the community are provided in either cars or buses: Shopping centres, transport hubs, clubs, nursing homes, hairdressers, physio, podiatry, etc.

- Lower North Shore service – Operates Monday to Friday in a bus, wheelchair accessible available on request. Commences in Ryde area and terminates at Royal North Shore Hospital – travels 4 times per day, via Lane Cove, Greenwich, St Leonards, Chatswood. There is 6.30am shuttle M/W/F for dialysis clients (subject to availability).
- Shopping Services – Group trips provided in a bus
Two enviro shopping bags can be taken on the bus. Driver will carry bags to front door.- Macquarie Centre – Tuesdays & Fridays
- Cox’s Road, North Ryde – Thursdays
- Gladesville Shopping Centre – Fridays
- Social Outing Day Trips – Group trips in bus
Two to three trips per week, travelling in and around Sydney metro with occasional trips to Central Coast, Blue Mountains and Wollongong areas.
Stryder also provides:
- Full-cost service can be provided to clients on Home Care Packages, subject to negotiation with HCP provider.
- NDIS Transport
- Health Related Transport (HRT)
- Community Transport Program (CTP) transport for under 65s who are transport disadvantaged.
Stryder’s Vehicles:
- Cars
- Commuter buses, 3 with wheelchair accessibility – 9-13 seats
- Coaster buses – 19 seats
All buses are modified with accessible handrails and steps.

Stryder does not have waiting lists, and happily accepts referrals. Once a referral is received from My Aged Care, we will send them an information pack. They will be required to complete a Stryder registration form. Please direct clients to our website should they wish to complete online.
Once registered, clients can make transport bookings either by phone or email or through our website. We ask for bookings to be made at least three working days in advance, otherwise they may be added to a standby list.