Our Board

David Martin
President/Public Officer

Greg Rich
Vice President

Russell King

Anna Buddo
Board Member

Paul Ashby
Board Member

Alexandra Meldrum
Board Member

Raymond Wong
Board Member

Ralph Youie
Board Member

David Martin
President/Public Officer
David Martin joined the Stryder Management Committee in 2016 and has served as Deputy President and Public Officer. From October 2020 he took up the role of President of Stryder. David’s corporate experience includes 25 years in the manufacturing, consulting, airline and aged care sectors in human resources, operational and executive roles. Prior to his current work as the owner and operator of the Hire a Hubby franchise for the Mosman area in Sydney, David was Group General Manager for HammondCare (an independent Christian Charity specialising in aged, health and dementia care). This included leadership of HammondCare at Home ($90m annual turnover and around 2000 aged care clients), independent living and a range of corporate support services including people services, pastoral care and volunteers, information technology and capital works. David is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. His hobbies include playing music and vintage car restoration. He is married to Kara and has two adult children.

Greg Rich
Vice President
Greg Rich joined the Stryder Management Committee in 2018 and became Vice President in October 2020. He brings to the Committee over 45 years commercial experience across a broad range of Australian and international organisations, operating at Chief Executive and Board level with a number of substantial ASX listed companies. Greg spent the past decade in Senior Executive recruitment, and more recently became a volunteer social worker with Crow’s Nest Community Centre.

Russell King
Russell has over a decades’ experience in transport policy in both London and New South Wales. He is a former advisor to both the Premier of NSW and the Minister for Transport and continues to work on public policy challenges. Russell has sat on numerous boards and management committees in the not-for-profit sector and his expertise includes commercial, technological, business development, marketing and communications, strategic planning and corporate governance. He has always been passionate about supporting his local community and is keen to help Stryder to navigate the many changes that the community transport sector faces over the next few years in order to deliver better services for our clients. Russell has a Bachelor of Science (Bsc) degree from Kings College London and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Cranfield School of Management. He lives in Ryde with his wife and three children, all under five. When he is not parenting, Russell loves to cook, read books and watch the English Premier League.

Paul Ashby
Board Member
Paul Ashby joined the Stryder board in October 2023. He is also a member of the Community Connect Transport committee (board) where he has served since 2017. He has formal training in engineering, economics and applied finance and investment, and he is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Paul has over 30 years’ corporate experience including at Esso, ABN Amro and AGL, and was head of research, commercial and finance functions. He was also a director of gas, power and utility infrastructure companies, and is now retired from corporate life. He is a keen cook, loves music and film, is always planning for the next big trip, and lives in Hunters Hill with wife Anu and has two older children.

Ralph Youie
Board Member
Ralph Youie joined the Stryder board in October 2023 and is Chair of the audit, risk and compliance committee. He is also a member of the Lower North Shore Community Transport management committee since 2018 and non executive director of an aged care provider on the Central Coast, and member of its governance and risk committee since 2022. He was non executive director and audit committee and risk committee member of a credit union.
An engineer by training, he is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and lives in Naremburn. Ralph also volunteers with the Willoughby-Lane Cove unit of the NSW State Emergency Service.

Anna Buddo
Board Member

Alexandra Meldrum
Board Member
Alexandra Meldrum joined the Stryder board in October 2023. She is a member of the Community Connect Transport committee (board) where she has served since 2020. She is a professional engineer and economist, with experience in Australia and internationally, having worked in industry, government, not-for-profits and universities. In government, she was the Principal Advisor to the Productivity Commissioner, member of Task Forces for Hydrogen, and Circular Economy, and led industry development in advanced manufacturing and the review of departmental grants programs.
Alexandra has a portfolio career – including global Vice President Learned Society IChemE, Facilitator in Charge at AGSM UNSW, and an expert panellist for programs at the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer. She is Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Sydney where she chairs the international Scientific Board for the multidisciplinary Net Zero Initiative. She is an experienced non-executive director, with 30 years experience, including Strategy, Risk and Nomination Committees and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company directors. She has volunteered at Lifeline for thirty years.

Raymond Wong
Board Member
Raymond has 20 years of governance-related experience that covers internal audit, enterprise risk management, corruption control, compliance management, secretariat management and other parts of corporate governance. Raymond is a Certified Practising Risk Manager with Risk Management Institute of Australasia, a Chartered Governance Professional with the Chartered Governance Institute, a Fellow of Governance Institute of Australia and a Fellow of Institute of Internal Auditors – Australia.

Soraya Raju
Board Member
Soraya joined the Management Committee in March 2022. She is the CEO and Founder of Migrate Success – a business dedicated to helping skilled migrant professionals achieve success in Australia. Soraya previously worked in financial services for over 35 years, in the areas of compliance and corporate governance. She strongly believes these are critical to good business practice by generating trust and credibility. Soraya also has a Certificate III in Aged Care and is aware of aged care issues. She is passionate about ensuring that vulnerable people in our community are connected, have access to healthcare and remain independent by using community transport. Soraya volunteers with organisations, including Dress for Success which helps empower women to achieve economic independence. She also teaches English to migrants and refugees.