Stryder drives forward with Federal funding

As a not for profit, Stryder is always a grateful grant recipient. We recently received a Federal Government volunteer grant of $5,000 which will assist in driver training and fuel reimbursements for our volunteers. Federal Member for Bennelong, John Alexander OAM MP, visited our headquarters at Gladesville to congratulate our team and inspect Stryder’s fleet. “Stryder […]
Congratulations to our Winner
July E-News Competition Winner To celebrate the launch of Stryder’s first digital newsletter in July 2020, we ran a competition offering one lucky subscriber 12 months of free advertising. We would ... READ MORE

‘Be Connected’ FREE Digital Workshops
We have 30 spaces available for our upcoming FREE ‘Be Connected’ digital workshops for beginners. Designed to help Stryder’s clients become computer savvy helping them to navigate the online ... READ MORE